Daniel Whittingslow

Research Projects:

Knee Soundsmore_vert
We are working to determine if there is a correlation between the sounds the knee produces during articulation and the underlying anatomical/physiological state. Thus far, we have worked on an athlete injury model and a juvenile arthritis model. This work is being conducted at Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta in the Pediatric Rheumatology Department under the auspices of Dr. Sampath Prahalad.
Associated Files:

TMJ Soundsmore_vert
I am working alongside Dr. Shelly Abramowicz to develop a system for easily recording the sounds a child's jaw produces in an effort to triage further diagnosis and treatment. Currently, these children with arthritis would have to undergo expensive and inconvenient imaging studies. It is our hope that this system will allow us to more accurately and quantitatively determine which children should go for further testing. This work is being conducted at the Emory University Hosptial.
Poster from 2019 CARRA Conference
Poster from 2018 ACR Conference
Associated Files:

Cadaver Modelmore_vert
We have worked extensively to develop a cadaver model to better understanding the undrlying source of the sounds recorded in our knee experiments. Thus far, the focus has been on introducing meniscus tears in a controlled environment to understand the impact that a single injury has on the overall joint acoustic emissions. This was the first time that joint sounds were recorded while excluding physiologic confounding variables such as blood flow and swelling.
Currently Learning:
Past Projects:

PEEK osseointegrationmore_vert
As an undergrad, I worked in the lab of Dr. Ken Gall under the guidance of Nathan Evans to design a manufacturing technique for improving the osseointegration (bone ingrowth) of polyether ether ketone (PEEK). We patented the technique and a company, Vertera Spine, was started to market the material. Vertera was recently acquired by Nuvasive.

Mitral Valve Stentmore_vert
This was my senior design project in the Biomedical Engineering Bachelor's degree program at Georgia Tech. I worked with a team of undergrads supervised by Dr. Chris Petit, MD, a pediatric interventional cardiologist from the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. We designed a mitral valve / stent that could be easily deployed through the femoral artery and withstand the high pressures of the left side of the heart. The project focused on assessing the pressure profile that a native mitral valve experiences and creating an anchoring solution to withstand it.

Hammerhead Wheelchairmore_vert
I worked with a group of graduate students in our Rehab Engineering class to design a fun solution for getting around for children with mobility limitations. Our idea revolved around the used of a hoverboard for propulsion and custom designed enclosure for rider protection and security.
CAD / Drafting
Publications & Conference Presentations
Whittingslow, Daniel C., Zia, Jonathan, Gharehbaghi, Sevda, Gergely, Talia, Ponder, Lori A., Prahalad, Sampath, and Inan, Omer T. Knee Acoustic Emissions as a Digital Biomarker of Disease Status in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2 (). Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10209170. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdgth.2020.571839
Whittingslow, D.C., Jeong, HK., Ganti, V.G. et al. Acoustic Emissions as a Non-invasive Biomarker of the Structural Health of the Knee. Ann Biomed Eng 48, 225–235 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-019-02333-x
M. Safaei, N. B. Bolus, D. C. Whittingslow, H. -K. Jeong, A. Erturk and O. T. Inan, "Vibration Stimulation as a Non-Invasive Approach to Monitor the Severity of Meniscus Tears," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 29, pp. 350-359, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3050439.
S. Mabrouk, D. Whittingslow and O. Inan, "Robust Method for Mid-Activity Tracking and Evaluation of Ankle Health Post-Injury," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TBME.2020.3027477.
Hochman DM, Gharehbaghi S, Whittingslow DC, Inan OT. A Pilot Study to Assess the Reliability of Sensing Joint Acoustic Emissions of the Wrist.Sensors. 2020; 20(15):4240. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20154240
Whittingslow D, Lara Orlandic, Talia Gergely, Sampath Prahalad, Omer Inan, Shelly Abramowicz Acoustic Emissions of the Temporomandibular Joint in Children: Proof of Concept. Frontiers of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2020.
Whittingslow D, Jeong HK, Bolus N, Boyd J, Hunnicutt J, Hash R, Inan O, Xerogeanes J., Knee Joint Acoustic Emissions As a Non-Invasive Biomarker of Meniscal Tears. Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. Feb 2020. Poster Presented
Mabrouk S, Hersek S, Jeong HK, Whittingslow D,, Ganti VG, Wolkoff P, Inan OT. Robust Longitudinal Ankle Edema Assessment Using Wearable Bioimpedance Spectroscopy. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng: 1, 2019.
Nicholas B. Bolus, Hyeon Ki Jeong, Daniel C. Whittingslow, O T Inan. A Glove-Based Form Factor for Collecting Joint Acoustical Emissions: Design and Validation. IEEE Sensors. 2019
Daniel C. Whittingslow, O T Inan, John Xerogeanes. Joint-Associated Sounds: Translation to Orthopaedic Patients Oral presentation at the Quarterly Emory Orthopaedics Sports Research Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Daniel C. Whittingslow,Sevda Gharehbaghi, Hyeon-Ki Jeong, Nick Bolus, Talia Gergely, Lori Ponders, Omer T Inan, Sampath Prahalad. Acoustic Emission Based Assessment of the Knee in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Poster presentation at the 2019 Annual Pediatric Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Daniel C. Whittingslow, Lara Orlandic, Talia Gergely, Lori Ponders, Sampath Prahalad, Omer T. Inan, Shelly Abramowicz. Assessment of the TMJ in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Using Acoustic Emissions Generated from Jaw Movements in Two Planes. Poster presentation at the Childhoood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) 2019 Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
Daniel C. Whittingslow, Lara Orlandic, Talia Gergely, Lori Ponders, Sampath Prahalad, Omer T. Inan, Shelly Abramowicz. Acoustic Emission Based Assessment of Temporomandibular Joints. Oral Presentation at the American Academy of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons (AACMFS) 2019 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
B. Semiz, S. Hersek, D. Whittingslow , L. Ponder, S. Prahalad, and O.T. Inan, Change Point Detection in Knee Acoustic Emissions using the Teager Operator: A Preliminary Study in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics Conference (BHI), Chicago, IL, 2019
D.C. Whittingslow, H.K. Jeong, L Orlandic, T Gergely, L Ponders, O.T. Inan, S Prahalad, S Abramowicz. Acoustic Emissions Generated by the TMJ of Patients with JIA and their Implication on Assessment and Screening. At ACR/ARHP. Chicago, Il. 2018.
H. K. Jeong, D. Whittingslow and O. T. Inan, b-Value: A Potential Biomarker for Assessing Knee-Joint Health Using Acoustical Emission Sensing, in IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2018, Art no. 7001204.doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2018.2871981
D. C. Whittingslow*, B. Semiz*, S. Hersek*, L. Ponder, S. Prahalad and O. T. Inan, Using Knee Acoustical Emissions for Sensing Joint Health in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Pilot Study," in IEEE Sensors Journal.doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2869990
A. O. Bicen, D. Whittingslow and O. Inan, Template-Based Statistical Modeling and Synthesis for Noise Analysis of Ballistocardiogram Signals: A Cycle-Averaged Approach, in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2018.2871141
Jeong, H.-K., Pouyan, M. B., Whittingslow, D. C., Ganti, V., and Inan, O. T. (2018). Quantifying the Effects of Increasing Mechanical Stress on Knee Acoustical Emissions Using Unsupervised Graph Mining. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 26(3), 594-601.
Whittingslow, D., Semiz, B., Ponders, L., Wiens, A., Inan, O., and Prahalad, S. (2017). Analysis and Implications of Non-Invasive Knee Acoustical Emissions in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Paper presented at the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Whittingslow, D., Semiz, B., Ponder, L., Vega-Fernandez, P., Inan, O., & Prahalad, S. (2017). Knee Joint Sounds: A Non-Invasive Modality for Classifying Knee Joint Health in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Paper presented at the Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium. Houston, TX.
Inan, O. T., Whittingslow, D. C., Teague, C. N., Hersek, S., Pouyan, M. B., Millard-Stafford, M., Sawka, M. N. (2017). Wearable knee health system employing novel physiological biomarkers. Journal of Applied Physiology, 124(3), 537-547.
Evans, N. T., Torstrick, F. B., Lee, C. S., Dupont, K. M., Safranski, D. L., Chang, W. A., Whittingslow, D. C. , Gall, K. (2015). High-strength, surface-porous polyether-ether-ketone for load-bearing orthopedic implants. Acta biomaterialia, 13, 159-167.
Evans, N., Torstrick, F., Lee, C., Dupont, K., Safranski, D., Chang, W., . . . Whittingslow, D. , Gall, K. (2015). Surface porous PEEK with high strength for load-bearing orthopaedic implants. Paper presented at the Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society.
Whittingslow, D., Evans, N., Carson, R., & Gall, K. (2012). A Study on the Development and Characterization of PEEK for Improved Osseointegration. Paper presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting.
Lectures and Presentations
Whittingslow, D.C. ‘Reimagining Technology to Solve Real World Problems'. Pediatric Rheumatology of the South (PRoS) Meeting Fall 2019 - Hosted by the Emory University School of Medicine and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. See the Presentation Slides Here.
Whittingslow, D.C. ‘Reimagining Technology to Solve Real World Problems'. 2019. AMSC Health Tech Event 2019. Hosted by the Morehouse School of Medicine at Atlanta Metropolitan State College.
Whittingslow, D.C. ‘How to Get into Med School and Other Tips from an MD/PhD Student'. 2018. Georgia Institute of Technology – GT 1000 Class Lecture.
Whittingslow, D.C. ‘Seizures: The Biomedical Engineer's Approach'. 2017. Georgia Institute of Technology – BMED 2250 Class Lecture.
Whittingslow, D.C. ‘Introduction to Mathematical Modeling in the Context of Biomedical Analysis of Concussions'. 2016. Georgia Institute of Technology – BMED 2250 Class Lecture.
Whittingslow, D.C. ‘Tips for Being a Successful Medical School Applicant’. 2014. Student Hospital Connection Group at Georgia Tech.
Whittingslow, D.C. 'A Study On The Development And Characterization Of PEEK For Improved Osseointegration'. 2012. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting – Student Poster Presentation.
Whittingslow, D.C. 'A Study On The Development And Characterization Of PEEK’. 2012. Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Symposium – Poster Presentation.